Blah....went to see doc today... never gave me dormicum or amytrapalin....hope the stalnox is good enough man.... after which went sun tanning with lee kah lok....By right just now should have gone to watch domino one...gala premiere it's free leh.... Haiz nvm lah.. gave to jc in the end....That bugger went for job interview today, or shall I say more than an interview. Cuz he was not interview at all, but instead was asked to do a series of tests. JAJAJA They must be checking your ability to work under stress cuz they fucking had to finish 35 qn in 25 mins. SMLJ???? It's MCQ, but there are like 5-10 choices per question??? JAJAJA Na bey. Anway good luck for your job bro...Hope you get it..then I can get discounted ciggies!!! JAJAJAJA
After that ji tao fall sleep sia.... By right should be studying in gym...but tmd think the rain plus my fatigue, I don't even need to pop the pills to sleep. Sleep until now then wake up!!!! Wasted so much time sia....Really need to go out study liao....But really not feeling well...diarrhae until my kar chn peet...JAJAJAJA really painful now....Then I vomitted a few times also....Haiz...think my internal organs are screwed too...not to mention my brain is totally fucked. Cannot think and got nothing to think about these days except for exams and her.... I just keep checking my hp every now and then just to see if she got msg me... JAJAJA tmd, I'm really an idiot...ain't that true...(cuz that's what she always call me)
Oh well, whatever lah... time will tell....I hope...TAK CEK LAH!!!!! 19 days to 1st paper!!!!!
*off to can b to find hui-ge to study....think to tonite no need sleep again*
p.s. what can cure asshole pain ar?? not rectum probe pls....n am i suffering from lung cancer??? cuz I vomitted blood just now.