If poeple like me also can enter uni, so can you!!!!!

Hong kong
gu huo zai or going for a
song ka???Went shopping for IA clothes today, with a free in-house fashion consultant. HAH! Never knew I can look good in stripes and bright colours. Bought 4 shirts and 2 pants. Should be enough since I got 3 more shirts and another pair of pants at home. Given my lazy nature, wrinkle-free is a must. Blew somemore money on boxers too. Wallet's like a freaking stock market: Last night it was full of $$ , and now I've only got enough to barely survive this coming weekend. Long long time never go fish& co. to eat. AS usual, ordered the seafood platter for 2. Aye, fuck this shit. Why am I talking about such things anyway. Now my blog sounds girly, where they rant and rave over their shopping items and food they ate. It's time for some intellectual shit, or is it? Cuz' some one simply couldn't wait to push me infront of the comp, forcing me to blog and dying to read my entry.=p
Had a conversation with an army friend of mine this afternoon. Last seam he practically failed all his subjects, save for 1. Now he's not those type of lazy people like me, nor is he a party animal like me. Not that he's inconsistent, just that he did mug like everyone else during exams period. Perhaps it's his study methods. The thought of him being stupid never crossed my mind. Maybe he's just unlucky. SOmeone told me I'm smart, but not intelligent. Which brings me to the point whether undergrads these days are stupid or not? Does having a good 'A' levels result justify the person as being able to cope with university workload? IMHO, 'A' levels is chicken shit compared to the hell I am experiencing now. I never thought of anyone who has entered the uni as stupid. I think it all boils down to personal determination. Perhaps the most common 'illness' that undergrads suffer is laziness. Esp during exams period where you had to cramp all 13 weeks of study into your head, only to puke it all out in 2.5 hrs.
Shag lah, sian lah, tired lah. no mood lah are probably the most common phrases I hear during exam times. It all translates to laziness.
There are methods which I find useful during these times: 1)psyche myself up by keep telling myself I should not let my parents down, nor should I waste their money. 2) not matter how boring the subject is, or how difficult to understand the topic is, just keep re-reading and re-doing it. Whether you have interest in it or not is another matter all together. 3) Aim for one guy you hate in the course(or whom last time he/she suan your results one), tell yourself you must study hard and do better than him/her.
Alrite, enough liao. People must be wondering why am I talking about exams at the start of the seam. Cuz lim bei this seam no exams!!! JAJAJAJAJAJA
Those who had exams this seam, please....for the love of all things good and holy, STUDY HARD!
ANd yeah!!!!! Lee yuahua is coming back for a drinking
session later!!!! COme back from china, he has been tiong-ed. Hairstyle macam like ah tiongs now. JAJAJAJAJAJAJA.
Soccer semis later in the day, we will win lah!!!!!
Rugby match on sun, time to break some bones!!!!
You will definitely get to see me even during my IA,I promise.