CHeck this out! Sentosa last sat with bc and guess what? He actually parked hsi car just beside sunset bay only loh. Now how many cars are able to do that. All thanks to a friend who works there. JAJAJA
First time on a buggy!!! Call me sua gu , whatever. Damn excited I was on the battery operated 4-wheeler.
Last sat nite was probably the nite that I see shaun at his worst. TMD he was practically swimming in his own vomit can!!!! And in the car he was lying face down on my lab shouting "Call my mom!!!!!!" repeatedly. 'nuff said. Zzzz
As usual a mundane week with more work as usual. DId managed to catch Munich though. Rather interesting movie. GUess different people have different idea of what exactly is a home. Is it the land you own or is it simply just a shelter with your loved ones. In a nutshell, don't ever fuck around with jews. JAJAJAJA
Aunite no. 17835278 asked me "On attachment ar?? Which poly?" today . After I said I'm a student on attachment now. $%#@%$#@%$*&
Aye fuck it. Weekend's here. Time for some hoe.
You shoved your hand down my throat,
I feel your fingers in me.
Cake up on some make-up to cover all those lines,
Wake up and stop trying cuz’ you’re just wasting time.
Tear this bitter fruit to mess,Wrap it up in soiled dress.