Monday, March 27, 2006
the bitch and bastard show (adapted)

bastard: Would you like to come over and watch a movie?
bitch: Ooh I like that, the subtle approach. Are you interested in my personality as well? Where is your place?
bastard: Haha Little Miss Cynical innit! It's (address here)...
bitch: Oh please. Spare me the niceties. I'm not a lady. Neither are you, when I last checked.
bastard: In that case smartarse, bring a change of clothes and toothbrush so if you get lucky you can go straight to work and not fucking wake me too early.
The cab arrived in 15 mins. Watch and learn, kids.
great nite 2
Same place for 2 days. With different but great company. SOmehow last nite the ending was slightly special. Great nite nevertheless.
Somday we'll know
if love can move a mountain
Someday we'll know
why the sky is blue
Someday we'll know
why I wasn't meant for you
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Great nite
Fucking great nite.
Thank you.
You know who you are.
Time flies....
Friday, March 24, 2006
I'll be dead in 50 yrs time

see how long you can live
Perfect Excuse with lame shit
Insonmia during IA is definitely not good at all, not good at all.
I'm fucked.
Hiatus for a while boys and girls
In the meantime, great sex everyone, may all your penises and pussies explode.
To fuck, to suck, to overcum. (this line courtesy of..erm...nvm..)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
ah beng
According to popular belief, I am an ah beng.Many blogs have linked me as one too.
Here's what you mofos get.
the name game
Does your name begin with: E?
Your greatest need is to talk. If your date is not a good listener, you have trouble relating. A person must be intellectually stimulating or you are not interested sexually. You need a friend for a lover and a companion.
You hate disharmony and disruption, but you do enjoy a good argument once in a while-it seems to stir things up. You flirt a lot, for the challenge is more important. But once you give your heart away, you are uncompromisingly loyal.
You will fall asleep with a good book. Sometimes, in fact, you prefer a good book to a lover.
ideas for t-shirts part 2

Let the pictures do the talking.
ideas for t-shirts

Some t-shirts I would gladly wear to go out. SOmething's seriously wrong with blogger. Got a few more pics to go in fact. Aye man watever. fuck it. Everything's going wrong these days.
I should just STFU.
Monday, March 20, 2006
mind fucked
Courtesy of the little girl herself (guys version):
You know you are mindfucked when... notice and delight in the charming minutiae about her. The way she spells Baobei with a capital B in her texts. The way the freckles are sprinkled like party confetti over her back. The way her thighs involuntarily shudder when you run your fingers up her spine as she's sleeping. The way she pokes her head round the shower curtain to watch you pee.
*the rest are all censored*
JAJAJAJA.....too fierce for this blog liao.... the rest I shall just keep it to myself.
10 days liao.....&^%%#%$&^$#^%
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think they'll understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am.
Now here's something that really made me shed a tear(many tears in fact).
Written by my bro PG:
yr 1:
blur blur in here, dunno wat to do.
nv join FOC, nv like such things too.
lucky for him, saw some familiar faces,
a little mingle ard, n this is his place.
went for sport subcomm, and gotten a place,
yet for some reasons, its something he dunno how to play.
but for a genius like him, softball become easy as he play. (haha)
subsequencely, he join more things,
from 5 sports in IHG, to all the little small events.
many zhu peng gou you were made,
till this day they r still here.
with them ard, hall lives were nv dull.
dunno wat other contributions he made,
yet given best freshie of the yr.
dun wan to let seniors down, promise to do better next yr.
yr 2:
many left, n many new one came,
hall life start wif a bang,
wif the freshmen orientation camp.
however the feeling is different, as we r seniors oredi.
time to take up roles n organise more activities.
canvassing jobs were tiring, yet bonding is there.
and thus, the frenship among the zhu peng gou yous,
become stronger and better.
many nites of supper, sure makes him fat.
but the walking from 46 to 47, compensated that! (as if..)
ihg came again, wif more targets to hit.
got his softball subcomm again as he wan it.
its the time of the yr, where all maroons can be heard.
cheering for one another, and drown the others wif fear.
we might not won, but our spirit shone.
studies were bad, not because companies r bad.
just simply because the mood is no longer there.
if Es n Fs are excellent n fantastic,
he will be graduating, wif a first class honours in engineering.
with the encouragements and support from his 'brothers',
he still able to enjoy more yrs of hall activities.
time flies, n there goes another yr.
yr 3:
once again, FOC came.
this time as a programmer,
we nearly insane.
playing among seniors, become a joythat bond us together,
n show how fun we can be,
to the newly joined.
more new faces came, n many old one left.
at the rate the time is going, i wonder how much we haf left.
this time round, join sport and welfare subcomm.
welfare is gd, as u get to knock on stranger gers door to speak to them.
moving over to 47 was the happiest thing ever happened.
suppers and tok cock session r daily supplements.
IHG training became a stenous activities,
as the old man here, cant keep up wif the intensity.
a softball team built from many first time player,
we were great to get to the quarters.
fought together wif a team that deserves a semis,
yet we lost again to our nemesis.
the feeling is bad, and couldnt control the tears.
this time rd, hall 9 is great,
we nearly got ourselves the first place.
more meaningful events took place,
but somehow the feelings all changed.
budgets and preparations seem to restrict the fun of events.
but with the gang of us and some final yr seniors,
things seem to as fun as the old days.
its the time of the yr, where old one will leave.
somehow he wonder, will the spirit leave too?
yr 4:
once a programmer, always a programmer.
being MCP this yr, sure more fun than last yr.
wif many new programmers, more games were came up.
n when the participants who give gd review of them,
all the hard works feels worthwhile.
cheers war wif the GLs, remains the same,
yet the no. of them become lesser.
maybe they feel, seniors having fun ourselves has become something dumb,
freshies are the ones that shld be having fun.
but pls do not forget, FOC is also a time for seniors to bond n haf fun!
with an incident wif SAO on ECA points,
many issues came up.
its when times r bad, that when we can stay strong together.
despite the verdicts not out during the period,
our players still fight hard n stand firm for the hall.
wif the same softball team as last yr,
double the trainings and effort could be seen.
yet without clinching a place in the quarters,
send most of the final years to tear.
reaching this time of the yr once again,is quite different for many of us.
most of his zhu peng gou you wun be ard anymore next yr.
those neighbours where he sees practically everyday will grad.
when pussy toh say he feels sad as most of us parting soon,
the feeling of sadness came almost instantly.
but yet again, cant help missing the times we had together.
sound mushy, but those r some gd friends we haf made.
many would agree that the feeling is diff.
maybe its time to move on, n let the younger one stand for themselves.
but with the new HAS system n converting of rooms,
i wonder how many will stand for niners again.
will the spirit still be there?
will the bonding still be there?
will the fun, joy, happiness, sadness, of all niners still linger?
maybe it will, but we will nv know.
the journey here has ended for many of us.
i'm just an old fart, who likes to whine.
but wif so many brothers as audience, i'll gladly be one.
wish all the best for all still ard,
as these memories here will stick wif u thruout.
special thanks for 五福星, pornstar, mar pong pong, ah chia, damayi.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
another weekend just like dat
AS usual, Mr James Tan never cease to snook us with his antics. Guess he's the only one who would zoom in at the plate of food instead of girls in a photo.
To quote it from the man goldonion himself:"As long as got food on the table, he'll finish it."
Aye, another weekend of sports for me. Watching it on the tele that is. From Wayne Rooney to Federer to Alonso. From big balls to small balls to 4 wheelers.
Noticed that Federer's total winnings amount to around $20,000,000. Well, that's realyl peanuts considering Abromovich's worth around $200billion(fyi, thats a 2 infront with 11 zeros behind it)
JC: eh cb leh.... if i got 1% of abromovich's wealth...that would be nice...
Me: ya.....
JC: 1% of 200billion is like er... 2billion.....WAH LAO...2 billion leh.. can spend finidh meh...
Me: haha...
JC: knn, 2 billion put in bank eat the interest also song liao loh...let's see... worst case 3% interest p.a......3% of 2billion...60 million.... 1 mth can spend 5 million oh... EH!!!! NB like dat I every mth change ferrari model also can leh.
Me: ya loh....
JC: how to earn alot alot of money???
Me: if I know, I won't be here drinking teh with you liao loh...
I just want a peaceful family... is that so difficult to ask for?
Saturday, March 18, 2006
where'd you go, i miss you so
After a nite of ktv, I could only use hand signs to communicate with my parents.
JAAJAJAJAA. Tian tian hua guo was good, maybe cuz I was fucking hungry by the time we reached. CB MOS waste my time. Happy belated birthday baochun!!!!!!!!
After detailed conversations with 3 frenz of the opp sex, they all concluded that I am definitely not the kind of guy that girls bring home to their parents. I will never be treated seriously at all one. All think I can only play play only. Too bad then.
"your hair, your face, your clothes, the language you use and your body language loh"
I don't like to share. Damnit.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
pro shit
pro shit
realization of a childhood dream.
Never has sassy girlfriend been so sassy.
watch it with eyes wide open people.
WTF LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's wrong with people these days???
FUck lah....
DOn't stay liao lah. PUI.
ANy hall wants me???
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Tiesto's coming to town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14th april @MOS!!!!!!!
Let's do it!!!!!
I'm getting the pre-sale tix. Anybody wants just drop me a msg or sms
Monday, March 13, 2006
from jap craze to korean craze

From jap food to korean food. But then again, I'm not really a fan of kimchi. However, the beef was the best I have tasted so far. Absolutely heavenly!!!!! Great to have working friends around you. Free lunch and free drinks!!!! JAJAJAJAJA
PUMP IT!!!!!
Turn up the radio
Blast the stereo
Rightttttttttttttttt nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
chill out weekend

Cheapest hoegaarden in town found!!!! $11 per pint during happy hrs and $15 per pint after that!!!! Ask me for the place!!! JAJAJAJAJA
Aye, finally did what I wanted to do during a sunday afternoon: take a walk in central. After countless failed attempts on asking someone to go with me, I decided to do it myself, alone.
First stop: AMK library. Damnit cannot find the books I wanted to borrow. IA is a good time to read more books. Can brush up on my England in order to make it more powderful.
Then the book store, titles that I wanted to rent are all out. :(((((
Up next is the comic shop; it has changed so much. Plus it has become real big with cozy sofas plus tons of lan comps.
Decided to get the milkshake, afterall its been ages since I last had it. But then the AMK central one don’t have?!?!?!?! SMLJ!!!!!!!!!
“sorry Sir, only certain outlets got sell milkshake” zZZZZzzZZZZzzz Got myself a sundae instead
Ahh.. the serenity of it all. Nice short walk on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Found out the old man really loves his son a lot. Guess people do really tell the truth when they are pissed drunk. JAJAJAJAJAJA
10% luck 20% skill
15% concentrated power of will
5% pleasure 50% pain
And 100% reason to remember the name.
i miss u
It's only 4 days but I miss u like crazy
Friday, March 10, 2006
no time to post

CHeck this out! Sentosa last sat with bc and guess what? He actually parked hsi car just beside sunset bay only loh. Now how many cars are able to do that. All thanks to a friend who works there. JAJAJA
First time on a buggy!!! Call me sua gu , whatever. Damn excited I was on the battery operated 4-wheeler.
Last sat nite was probably the nite that I see shaun at his worst. TMD he was practically swimming in his own vomit can!!!! And in the car he was lying face down on my lab shouting "Call my mom!!!!!!" repeatedly. 'nuff said. Zzzz
As usual a mundane week with more work as usual. DId managed to catch Munich though. Rather interesting movie. GUess different people have different idea of what exactly is a home. Is it the land you own or is it simply just a shelter with your loved ones. In a nutshell, don't ever fuck around with jews. JAJAJAJA
Aunite no. 17835278 asked me "On attachment ar?? Which poly?" today . After I said I'm a student on attachment now. $%#@%$#@%$*&
Aye fuck it. Weekend's here. Time for some hoe.
You shoved your hand down my throat,
I feel your fingers in me.
Cake up on some make-up to cover all those lines,
Wake up and stop trying cuz’ you’re just wasting time.
Tear this bitter fruit to mess,Wrap it up in soiled dress.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
triangles can A reply jus a single word when B typed a whole long passage telling A hows B feels and why B is acting so strangly and so temperamental and emotional? to B the mere single word tt A replied doesnt mean anything, it only makes B feels more irritated that you seem simply dun care! can A show B tt A cares and if A really dun care, simply jus tell B..if A doesnt care den A shldnt tell B tt if there's any problems talk it out..a single word doesnt mean anything, it doesnt mean anything to B at all! some words some comforting words will be better..
WaH laO, I iS olD MAn lIao LeH. dUn tyPe iN smALl fONts Can?
Simi A & B? Give me my cup C & D lah!!! JAJAJAJAJAJA
Tsk Tsk Tsk. Even the good old bed at home wouldn't let me sleep in peace. Need help in removing the piece of broken mirror at the back of my head. Oh yes, please help me pull out the knife from my back too. Thanx.
Trying to make myself busy in the office everyday, so that I would be wasted when I got back and would just sleep. Not to mention the extra inches I'm getting on my waist.
Work hard= hungry easily = eat alot
Walk ard alot = thirsty = drink alot of water = go toilet many many times.
According to reliable sources, I've found myself a godmom and a sister. JAJAJAJA
The only passwords I wanna see next time is either ngjunkai or luveric pls.....
Dead is what he is,
He does what he please
The things that he has you never gonna see
What you never gonna be
Sketch a little keyhole for looking glass people
You don't wanna see him
You only wanna be him
Mama's got a scarecrow
Gotta let the crow grow
Man can't always reap what he sow!
Friday, March 03, 2006
bang bang
Shoot me twice in the head. Please.
only 61 and what a mess it has become.
And not to mention the additional fact that I fucking hate being ignored.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
I know myself well
You Are Lightning |
 Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performing |
I guessed that it would be lightning and it did turn out to be true.
I know myself that well?
1st of the online chracter online tests I did after I wrote about how much I hated them.
Courtesy of the princess. JAJAJAJA
random pics
Check out this chao botak aka turn-over-a-new-leaf choo poh choon!!! JAJAJAJA
Was at the aircraft show on sun with Mr and Mrs James Tan and his in-laws.
The rounds of this plane was as big as the size of my fist.
Classic photo: Last time of nite-cycling with my bros and we got not 1 but 2 of them having cramps at the same time. Tha's lionel infront and Andrew at the back.

Shagadelic @ home. Forgot what I wanted to write about. Old liao.
Lunch with Jensen the man was great. Suerb business analyst cum smart investor.Lots to learn from the wise one.
Kopi with shaunie didi was great. All the best for yourNS(Recruit) life bro. Looking forward to see you botak.
Great to know Mr. She Morgan Jincong has finally found a job. BUt pls dun anyhow sms during working hours. JAJAJAJAJA
Newsflash: Chalet 3 and 16 spotted in NTU. With a canteen(read:food court right at your doorstep) . The only thing's that lacking is cable tv on a plasma screen plus an alcohol license.Not to mention the access card you need to scan. Reminds me so much of NUS's PGP. -__-
When in doubt, ask.
When sick, drink plenty of water.
When playing, enjoy it.
When studying, concentrate on it.
When I’m around, come over.
Really glad all those around me have the motivation to study hard this sem.
tio caught for the 2nd time with pants down by the same person!!!!!!
got more heng anot???
4D also not so zhun ar.....tmd.....
According to terence tay jangyen , there's actualyl a thumbdrive in this world with a capacity of 1.28mb.
KNN can I slap your face??? That's less than a freaking floppy. It's 128mb lah CB!!!!!
liao lim bei ey si kan help you back up your files.
Kind of undergrads we have these days. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
shagedalic day
Check this out:
SO much for sexual pleasure.
people are all afraid to be alone,
and i am not exception
perhaps thats is why everyone is looking to the ends of the earth for their other half,
the half that not only compliments themselves,
but also has the qualities that they themselves do not have.
together in union, their half status becomes inconsequential and they become one.
i hate being alone, the feeling sucks and it kindof gets to you on nights such as these.
the nights that u cant pick up the phone and call and talk to someone.
where u cant sweet talk any1 or hear honey coated words directed to your ears.
such nights where u close your eyes knowing that tmw would almost be the same as the previous day;
Stolen from shangwei. My dear minion, you need some advice from Xuruyun the man himself. JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAA!!!!!!!!
Aye, I've said it before and I shall say it again.
Do me a favour, go register yourself an account and vote for F6.
More yourself worthwhile. If you register and vote for other girls, you can pretend to not know me the next time you see me.
My head's all up in the rain,
But I know it'll be sunshine again.
My mama's given me this piece of ass,
And I'm gonna shake it all night long.
When all your wishes and dreams come true,
Know that you are already dead.