Marilyn Manson's Lest We Forget

Nine Inch Nails' With Teeth

MOS Dance Nation

Jajajaa. After seeing steFATnie's wish list... I wanna do one also!!! JEJEJE
But mine all are CDs loh... not some expensive watches or jewellery. Can tell I'm a music freak.
At the moment, only got 4 items I want lah...simple... still got other things.. but much much more expensive... these are the only feasible ones for now:
1)MOS: Dance Nation CD, only in sg plus got 2 complementary tix when MOS opens end of this year at clark quay.(who buy me this one I bring you go MOS when it opens!!! =) )
2)Nine Inch Nails latest CD: With Teeth. Out very long liao just bo money to buy.
3)Marilyn Manson's latest CD: Lest We Forget. Also out very long liao but also bo money buy.
4)This CD compilation called Closer. Saw it on tv ads just now but can't find its pic on net. Its a CD that contain many soothing melodies. I LIKE!!!!!
Haiz, all these cost total of around 200 bucks loh....Must start to save up to buy liao...Needing vitamin M badly...prob should just cut down on cigs....
I can't live without music. If there's no music in this world, I'll be better off dead - Wong Kar Kiu